It’s July 6th and millions nationwide will be partaking in #NationalFriedChickenDay! History says Scottish immigrants are widely believed to have brought fried chicken to the U.S.A., but it was African immigrants, brought to work on plantations in southern states, that improved the recipe with varied spices and seasonings. Someway the lines got crossed and Fried Chicken became not only a negative connotation, and a stereotype. However, gone are the days where Mr. BoJangles is the face of fried chicken & biscuits. Gone are the days where if you consumed fried chicken, watermelon, and a strawberry/grape soda, you must be a person of color. Fried chicken has crossed over. Everyone loves it! Everyone eats it in some form or fashion. If you are not a fan of fried chicken pieces (like myself), nuggets, strips, or wings most likely won you over.
How will you be celebrating #NationalFriedChickenDay today? Check out how I did!
Let me know if you try my recipe! Send me a TWEET @TotallyRandie