Author Archive: Bell White

National Fried Chicken Day

It's July 6th and millions nationwide will be partaking in #NationalFriedChickenDay! History says Scottish immigrants are widely believed to have brought fried chicken to the U.S.A., but it was African immigrants, brought to work on plantations in southern states, that improved the recipe with varied spices and seasonings. Someway the lines got crossed and Fried Chicken became not only a negative connotation, and a stereotype. However, gone are the days where Mr. BoJangles is the face of fried chicken Read more [...]

Thoughts Before Midnight

It is not often that I reveal myself to the world. It's actually quite impossible when you are the person I am. Strong people can't break down. Happy, positive people came be sad. It confuses people. When you are the one constantly lifting people up around you, when you are down who lifts you up? Those people don't know how. If they did they would lift themselves up though they try. Subsequently, you are left to pick you up.   It is nights like this when vodka has run its course, when I Read more [...]

Have You Ever Been Stolen?

Have a thief ever came and took you? Have you ever been minding your own business and all of a sudden you look up and you were gone? You are probably thinking to yourself of course not. That would imply you being kidnapped. How can you get kidnapped as a fully comprehensive adult? Well it happens everyday, people get stolen by multiple things, lust, by infatuation, by greed, but most of all by love. You meet a person right after climbing yourself out of a vulnerable stage in life. You have learned Read more [...]

Love Me Ugly

Everyone has a preference, maybe he likes thick women, maybe she likes men with beards. Maybe she doesn't like short guys, maybe he doesn't like women with short hair. Either way someone will always be beautiful to someone and someone will always be ugly to someone. What you deem ugly doesn't matter, because if a man is ugly to a woman, he can make her laugh and feel safe and he's no longer ugly anymore. Same for women, some qualities make men who would otherwise see her as unattractive start to Read more [...]

If Looks Could Kill, What Kind of Murderer Would You Be?

Typically, when someone says "If Looks Could Kill," they are talking about someone's physical attributes. That perfectly created masterpiece of a human specimen is so mesmerizing, that their looks could literally stop our hearts. However, there are so many other looks that could kill in a far more painful way. Here are three that I thought of. Could you think of more? Disappointment: Here I was in the fifth grade, "bushy-tailed and bright eyed" as they say, and his name was Andre. Copper toned Read more [...]

Are You Hogging Someone Else’s Soulmate?

Love and Relationships will always be a hot topic. It seems like everyone have the answers yet no one have the answers when it comes to love. I was on Facebook today, like most of america unless you're my brother and don't have social media (yes people like that exist), and I saw a classmate and long time friend of mine state how she didn't believe in love anymore. Immediate the comments started but no one gave her a definitieve solutions for her expression. Then she said something that made a lot Read more [...]

Love Is Supposed To Hurt, Right?

Making a woman your #WCW or a man your #MCM is cool. Taking usies, dates, and gifts? Who would turn that down? But do you know whats even cooler? Real Love. Real love isn't material things, it isn't a picture on social media that everyone swoons over, or 100 long stem roses. Loving is knowing how to be there for someone when they need you. Love is not hitting below the belt when you argue. Love is not kicking a person when they are down. Trying to distinguish real love from someone deeply caring Read more [...]

Take Your Brand To The Next Level With The Business Advancement Conference

Startups seems to be taking over the business world. But it seems for every 1000 startup we see, only a handful makes it to full on BAU operating status. There are a million books and conferences out there, but still attendees walk away not know what to do. This is why Kiersten Kindred created the Business Advancement Conference. She saw what was lacking in information for entrepreneurs and small to medium-sized business owners. Not only does she have a panel, there is also a diversified mentor group Read more [...]

The Messy Girl Chronicles: Isabel Dandridge

I am probably the biggest mess you will ever meet. A true survivor ever since I could remember, but a lover of pain, lusting after torture. I am my biggest mistake. A tortured soul. How do you run from yourself? To tell you the truth, I don't even know how I got here. How did I become this woman? Was it my childhood? Was it my parents? Or is it just the way my chromosomes match up? Why do I love so hard? Why do I feel peoples pain? Why is my empathy on a level that I don't find often in others? I Read more [...]

Houston Celebrates The Black Culinary Scene

If you know anything about TotallyRandie, then you know I am a philanthropy/foodie nazi amongst many other things. I'll try anything once, maybe twice just to get a better opinion. That's why Houston/Any City Restaurant Week is one of my favs! It merges the two! However I asked the same question as did PBS in 2012 "Where are the black chefs?". Well we have been seeing an increase in black culinary artist, and this week Houston unveils its inaugural Houston Black Restaurant Week that celebrates Read more [...]