Author Archive: Bell White
Holidays are a time when many get together with their loved ones. Food, laughter, and stories are shared. Generations gather around to hear the elders in their family recant history. Which is why it is so fitting that Nation Roots Day is Dec 23. Its a day to look into your family history. Peering into genealogy can not only give us ancestral dates, but can paint a picture and give us stories. We find clarity in our own lives as we come to understand our culture, values, and morals that were set in Read more [...]
National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
Today is a lover of chocolate's dream! Its National Chocolate Covered Anything Day! If you could cover anything in chocolate, what would it be? I journeyed to The Chocolate Bar in search for some cool chocolate covered items to try. Now, if you are a dog lover and a chocolate lover, then you know this day doesn't allow you to share your two loves. However, The Chocolate Bar found a loop hole where you can marry your two loves together with their "Chocolate" covered dog biscuits. Before you call the Read more [...]
Fashion Houston [FH5] According to @MalibuMara!
Photo by KB | Photography, It was a
rainy red carpet. Sponsored by Audi: My look featured a Leather Zara
Collection top, Boutique cape skirt, and Bebe Jacket.
Day 3 of Fashion Houston featured Bibhu Mohapatra, Rebecca Minkoff,
Jia'zei Reyes, Rolando Santana, and Chloe Dao. It was a sold out show
and everyone in the building was excited for all of the fashion the
night had in store.
Photo by KB |
The night started with Bibhu Mohapatra. The Read more [...]
Its National Day: National Cookie Day
Hey Guys!
I am the host of a really cool show entitled It's National Day, where we highlight some of the cool national days that you may or may not know about. We are launching on the youtube today! Click Me!
Today is December 4th and you may know this day as Jay-Z's birthday but it is also National Cookie Day! Now according to
"The origin of the cookie appears to begin in Persia in the 7th century, soon after the use of sugar became common in the region. They were Read more [...]
TotallyRandie is on Vacation!
Hey TotallyRandie Readers! So glad that you enjoy the post! I am on vacation for the next two weeks and will update the site upon my return! In the meantime, you can follow me on twitter, or instagram for updates!
Read more [...]
Actor Romany Malco Comes “Back To Baytown” to Inspire Today’s Youth
Merriam-Webster defines success as the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame. Comedian/Actor Romany Malco returned to the town that adopted him as a teen simply to refute that definition, educate today’s youth on success, and inspire them to live an extraordinary life with his "Back To Baytown" event. If you haven’t read his biography, Romany is a Trinidad native who was raised in both the Caribbean and New York. As a teen, he moved to Baytown, East of Houston, TX. His breakout Read more [...]
Dwight Howard: Exhibiting Model Behavior On and Off the Court
Less than 1% percent of NCAA basketball players make the NBA. The percentage is even lower for high school graduates who choose to forego college to enter the NBA draft. However, Dwight D. Howard was one of the lucky ones who dreamed big and was able to see his dreams realize. He showed what persistence, hardwork, and believing in yourself could do. In 2004, the 6'11" Howard fulfill two of his childhood goals by entering the NBA draft and becoming the first round #1 draft pick overall.
He was Read more [...]
Worlds First Plus-Size Model Joins Forces with Macy’s to Host Fall Fashion Show
Beauty definitely has a name, its Emme. The 5-foot-11, twice named People Magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People," is the world’s first plus-size model. Emme is a mother, television personality, author, lecturer, creative director for clothing lines, and a globally recognized women's advocate with a 20-year tenure. When she is not changing societies view one body image at a time, she is joining forces with major companies and hosting events like the one she held this past Saturday, Oct. 25th. Emme Read more [...]
Celebrate Spa Week by visiting Shrink Studios!
Today kicks off a celebration of 10 years of wellness with SPA WEEK! Spa’s nation wide is participating by bringing affordable $50 services to the masses for the week of Oct.20-26. Normally when you think of a spa service, you imagine facials, massages, & saunas. While these services bring relaxation and rejuvenation, these are not the only services that one can sample during spa week. It has been quoted by many that we live in the era of fitness. No, not the late 80’s where people wore fitness Read more [...]
10 Life Changing Lessons Learned at Oprah’s Life You Want Tour: Houston
I have to say I wasn’t feeling my best when I got the invite to attend probably this biggest classroom held in the Toyota Center and by “THE” Oprah Winfrey herself. “Who turns down Oprah”, I thought. I had been seeing commercials for a while about the multi-city arena tour that was to engage, encourage, and empower the audience. So despite feeling ill, I decided to go to the sold out “The Life You Want Tour” that was being held Oct. 17-18th. What a great decision I made. Oprah and her Read more [...]