Author Archive: Bell White

Today I Write

Today I Write. Today I write for the tortured soul. Today I write for the wife whose husband keeps cheating on her and she doesn't know why. I write for the loyal girlfriend who has the disrespectful, non-affectionate boyfriend. I write for the mother who gives her all to her ain't sh** kids. I write for the child that cries for it's mom or dad. Today I write. I write for the people who constantly endure the selfishness of others. I write for the lovers whose hearts are so big they Read more [...]

3 Reasons To See 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

Michael Bay puts us on the front lines of war in his new film 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. This isn't Transformers or even Armeggedon, there is nothing Hollywood-ish about this true story that took place four years ago. When Hilary Clinton announced her run for the democratic nomination, Benghazi was on the tip of everyone's tongue. What wasn't on their tongue was the six soldiers that saved Americans when America didn't even come to their rescue. If you are reading this article to Read more [...]

The Ultimate Blueprint Tour with Vivica Fox, Wendy Raquel, Towanda Braxton & more!

Out with the old in with new! The new year is loved not because of the fireworks, the overload of alcohol, or the free kisses at midnight. No, the new year is loved because of the fresh start it gives everyone. Although many strive to be a better person each day, its something about January first that says clean slate. On social media I saw a flood of status updates, tweets, and memes, that said the same thing: "Today is the first page of your 365 page book." People began their career journeys, Read more [...]

My Top 5 of 2015

I have been seeing so many people say "Good Riddance" To 2015, and I have to share their same sentiment. I have loss so much this year. My experiences of life in just 2015 alone could fill a novel. However, while time was winding up, I was thinking to myself, I need to write something for this year. I need to close this chapter. So I decided to focus on the positive, the silver linings that life gives us. Voila! It hit me! TOP FIVE! So here goes my top five of 2015: 5. It's National Day: I Read more [...]

Save The Humans

By Guest Blogger: Jai Green Have you ever wondered what your purpose is in life? Not humans as a whole, but your individual purpose? I think about the person I am, my heart and how big it is, my ability to yield, my love for the human race, and I drop my head in tears. In high school, as a freshman, while everyone was screaming save the Whales, I had a folder that had "save the humans" centered on it. I have always felt this way. Humans are the most intricate animate objects on earth, and good Read more [...]

Poetry on a Gloomy Saturday

Edgar Allan Poe has always been my favorite poet & one of my favorite writers. His darkness mirrored my own, his pain danced with my emotions. The way he loved held conversations with my heart. His work embodied all four literary conflicts, and sometimes all four were found in one piece: Man VS. Man, Man VS. Society, Man VS. Nature, and of course Man VS. Self. I hadn't written poetry in a while. Today my chest felt like it was going to explode if I didn't release some of these thoughts. So Read more [...]

Messy Girl Chronicles: Jackie Wright

Guest Blog: Jai Green My name is Jackie Wright and I am a mess. My family is a good old middle class American family. Thousand-Aires is what I like to call us. We are far from rich, but we also have been fortunate enough not to want for anything. Daughter to old school parents, baby of 3 children (two older boys), and the only girl. It was like I was born to be the family stone. If there is a such thing as reverse bullyism, I think I experienced that. "Just Wright", "Always Wright", are names Read more [...]

National Fast Food Day

Let's face it, we live in a healthy obsessed, no gmo, gluten free, sustainable society now a days; which isn't bad at all. However, as the voice of "go greeners"  escalated, a war broke out on earth between them and fast food. Documentaries such as Super Size me and Food Inc. began to surface. People started doing experiments on fast food such as the "Big Mac" 30 day challenge. No I'm not talking about eating it, I'm talking about leaving it out for 30 days to watch it decompose, if it decomposed. Read more [...]

A TSU Student Uses His Platform To Giveback In A Large Way

Be-YOU-tiful: the Official Launch Party and Breast Cancer Makeovers “Embracing your inner beauty despite the odds” On Friday,October 30, 2015, Be-YOU-tiful celebrated its official launch party and Breast Cancer Makeover event. The event was held at the Texas Oncology facilities located at 7515 South Main St., Houston, TX 77030 starting at 10am. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, five courageous breast cancer survivors were chosen and given the ultimate makeover experience by a complete Read more [...]

The Messy Girl Chronicles: Tara Crawford

By Guest Blogger: Jai Green My name is Tara Crawford and I am a mess. I haven't always been a mess. From the outside looking in you wouldn't know it at all. Here I stand 5"7, lean, with a body full of melanin. I am the epitome of confidence at 29 years of age running my own media company. I innovate, I create, and I am dating a radio personality. I have done well for myself you might say. I just launched a non-profit helping young girls to love themselves. I educate young women on loving the Read more [...]