Monthly Archive: June 2024

NBA Star Anthony Davis and Raven Magwood Goodson Team Up to Give Us the Full Court Advantage on Finding Our Way Back with Finding Tony

Mental health remains profoundly misunderstood by society. Often, mental health and mental illness are erroneously conflated. When mental health is mentioned, many automatically assume the presence of some type of psychological disorder that leads to self-harm or harm to others. They tend to overlook the Tony Greene’s of the world who simply succumb to the pressures of grief, depression, and self-medication through alcohol or other vices. Read more [...]

Rising Voices: The Impact of College Protests for Peace in Gaza

It is an understatement to say that in recent months, the grounds of many colleges and universities have become battlegrounds of a different kind—places where students are raising their voices to protest the ongoing violence and humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Some have called it simple expressions of youthful idealism, but it’s more than that. They are a reminder of the vital role that academic communities play in fostering global awareness and advocating for peace and justice.  Read more [...]